

Nagrada strokovne žirije Slovenia 2022

Tackled SDGs

SLO: Družba je danes bolj kot kdajkoli prej pripravljena sprejeti “drugačnost” kot del normalnosti, vprašanje pa je, ali jo razume na ustrezen način. S projektom RINGRING12 predstavljamo in povezujemo v mrežo vse tiste osebe s posebnimi potrebami, ki nas navdihujejo s svojimi idejami, ustvarjalnostjo in voljo.

Spletna stran: https://ringring12.com/

EN: Today, more than ever, society is ready to accept “difference” as part of normality, but the question is whether it understands it in an adequate way. Project RINGRING12 is aiming to present and connect in a network all those people with special needs who inspire us with ideas, creativity and their will.

Website: https://ringring12.com/en